Gainesville, Alachua County

Participation in the Good Food Purchasing Program by all public Alachua County institutions could*:
Create 33 local jobs equivalent to $1.64 million in annual local wages
Alachua County’s Comprehensive Plan identifies the need for greater emphasis on local foods as a key growth strategy.
Reduce chronic disease risk by 1.48% equivalent to $118,000 in annual healthcare savings
County Health Department highlights the Good Food Purchasing Program as an important tactic for improving community health.
Inspire investment in a valued workforce
Florida organizations have emerged as national leaders through advocacy for farm and food chain workers.
*Impacts are calculated based on estimated annual regional food spend. These are the estimated impacts of increasing 30% of current spending on local products and increasing 30% of current purchases of fruits and vegetables, without changing total food spend. For additional detail, download the methodology.

"The Good Food Purchasing Program has impacted our school district by giving us clear objectives for the values-based purchasing that resonates with our customers (students and families) and has helped us create a common language that has been invaluable to our community collaborations. Good Food Purchasing is an idea whose time has come, and many different entities in our community- from city policy makers, to university food buyers, to farmers, to schools - now have a clearer vision of what a more just food system might look like for our community, and how to start making that shift."

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