Washington, D.C.

Participation in the Good Food Purchasing Program by all public Washington D.C. institutions could*:
Create 33 local jobs equivalent to $1.64 million in annual local wages
D.C. invests in locally-owned food businesses with an emphasis on historically underserved and disinvested communities.
Reduce chronic disease risk by 1.48% equivalent to $118,000 in annual healthcare savings
Local government and nonprofit leaders are expanding healthy food access to improve community health.
Create transparency in food purchasing
D.C. Public Schools leaders share metrics and learnings from Good Food Purchasing Program assessments to engage the community in action planning.
*Impacts are calculated based on estimated annual regional food spend. These are the estimated impacts of increasing 30% of current spending on local products and increasing 30% of current purchases of fruits and vegetables, without changing total food spend. For additional detail, download the methodology.

"The Good Food Purchasing Program weaves together many of the District's goals related to climate resiliency, health equity, and our regional farm economy. For years, the D.C. public school system has made huge strides in increasing their sourcing from local growers. The Program gives us a more robust framework to think about the impacts of our food purchasing decisions on the food system and the people in it."

See how other cities are making a difference.